
Future Plans

For the Faringdon Petanque Club to be able to operate as a fully functioning club it will be necessary to have a terrain with several pistes.

In the short term we need to get as many people as possible to play on the two Single Pistes available in order to find out just how much
demand there is in Faringdon for such a club.
Idealy we will find a local open space, like for example Tuckers Park where such a large terrain could be sited.

There are many Petanque Clubs just over the boarder in the Great Western Region, Two in Cricklade, One in Cirencester, Several in Swindon, and
one in Wooten Bassett. In Contrast there are NO such local clubs in the Thames Valley Region at all.
This is very sad as Petanque can be played in the daytime by retired folk where it fills a social element that is very central to the fun of the game.
Evenings and Weekends can better suit the working population of the town.

Our ambition is to have a club with a single large Terrain that can hold Regular scheduled games as well as Training and Competitions.